Authors and affiliation (s):
Aishwarya Nair Krishnanunni1,*, Rohit Krishnappa2, Varsha Iranna Dalal1, Srinivasan Ranganathan1
1Department of Pharmacy Practice, PESU Institute of Pharmacy (Formally: PES College of Pharmacy), Electronic City, Bangalore, Karnataka, INDIA.
2Department of General Surgery, PESUIMSR, Bangalore, Karnataka, INDIA.
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), due to venous insufficiency commonly induced by chronic Intravenous (IV) drug abuse, is a major global health issue. This article discusses the interaction between these factors with the help of a case report of an adult male, Mr. X, who complained of persistent right lower limb ulcer. When physically examined, varicose veins, healed ulcers, and lipodermatosclerosis was noted, all suggestive of venous insufficiency. He was a chronic alcoholic and IV drug abuser. The diagnostic investigations established chronic DVT, which was associated to IV drug use and venous insufficiency. The required medical care was given, including anticoagulation therapy and wound care. Surgical, pharmacological and psychiatric support was provided. This case emphasis on the challenges presented by the IV drug use, in the context of venous pathology and also stresses on the necessity of comprehensive care in managing the systemic impact of substance abuse on overall health.
Keywords: Association, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Intravenous Drug Abuse, Management strategies, Management, Public health.