Published on: April 2024
Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 2024; 17(2):109-118
Review Article | doi:10.5530/ijopp.17.2.18

Authors and affiliation (s):

Hina Aisha, Fathima Nashiya, Zuha Shyma, Saba Farooqui, Suha Zulekha, Sajan Francis P

Department of Pharmacy Practice, Karavali College of Pharmacy, Vamanjoor, Mangalore, Karnataka, INDIA.


Monitoring glucose levels is crucial for effectively managing diabetes mellitus, a prevalent and chronic metabolic disorder impacting millions worldwide. Traditionally, blood glucose level tests have been the gold standard for diagnosing and managing diabetes. However, alternative methods such as salivary glucose level tests have gained attention. One significant advantage of salivary glucose level tests is their non-invasive nature, which eliminates the need for finger pricking or venous blood collection which may increase patient compliance, Additionally, salivary glucose level tests offer the potential for real-time or continuous monitoring, enabling timely adjustments in diabetes management strategies. However, several challenges need to be addressed before salivary glucose level tests can be widely adopted. Saliva glucose levels are influenced by various factors, including oral health, diet, and saliva flow rate. Standardization of saliva collection methods and the development of reliable and accurate sensing technologies are crucial to overcome these limitations. Moreover, obtaining regulatory approval and conducting validation studies is imperative to affirm the clinical efficacy of tests measuring salivary glucose levels. In conclusion, tests measuring salivary glucose levels present a promising alternative to conventional blood glucose tests in the realm of diabetes management. While addressing technical and clinical challenges requires additional research, the appealing non-invasive nature and the potential for frequent monitoring make salivary glucose level tests an attractive option for enhancing diabetes care. Future advancements in salivary glucose sensing technologies may revolutionize glucose monitoring, improving the quality of life for individuals with diabetes.

Keywords: Hyperglycemia, Salivary Glucose Level, Non-invasive.